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Father of all subjects, easy way to study for UPSC

:-) Father of the Subjects :-)
Father of Ayurveda: Charaka
Father of Biology: Aristotle
Father of Physics: Albert Einstein
Father of Statistics: Ronald Fisher
Father of Zoology: Aristotle
Father of History: Herodotus
Father of Microbiology: Louis Pasteur
Father of Botany: Theophrastus
Father of Algebra: Diophantus
Father of Blood groups: Landsteiner
Father of Electricity: Benjamin Franklin
Father of Trigonometry: Hipparchus
Father of Geometry: Euclid
Father of Modern Chemistry: Antoine Lavoisier
Father of Robotics: Nikola Tesla
Father of Electronics: Ray Tomlinson
Father of Internet: Vinton Cerf
Father of Economics: Adam Smith
Father of Video game: Thomas T. Goldsmith,
Jr.Father of Architecture: Imhotep
Father of Genetics: Gregor Johann Mendel
Father of Nanotechnology:Richard Smalley
Father of Robotics:;Al-Jazari
Father of C language: Dennis Ritchie
Father of World Wide Web: Tim Berners-Lee
Father of Search engine: Alan Emtage
Father of Periodic table: Dmitri Mendeleev
Father of Taxonomy: Carolus Linnaeus
Father of Surgery (early): Sushruta
Father of Mathematics: Archimedes
Father of Medicine: Hippocrates
Father of Homeopathy: Samuel Hahnemann
Father of Law: Cicero
Father of the American Constitution: James Madison
Father of the Indian Constitution: Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
Father of the Green Revolution: Norman Ernest Borlaug
Father of the Green Revolution in India: M.S Swaminathan


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