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What Women want on Valentine's Day apart from a ton of gifts

Valentine’s Day is the annual celebration of love, and while both sexes remain upbeat when 14th February is around the corner, it’s the women who are really enthusiastic.

For women, Valentine’s Day is a day when they treat their partners by buying the best Valentine gifts for husband or boyfriend. And while women love their fair share of gifts in return, they are not just happy with the gifts.

If you are a man who thinks he has done enough by giving her wife or partner an assortment of and other presents, think again! Here are some of the things that women really want from their men on Valentine’s Day.

Time and Attention

More than anything else in the world, women demand time and attention from their men, especially on Valentine’s Day. We all live busy lives, and in their daily lives, men might not shower their women with the attention they crave and the time that they deserve. Thankfully, women are understanding of that to an extent. But when you don’t hear out your woman on a day as important as Valentine’s Day, be ready for a fight! And don’t just be with her. Pay attention to her. She would be even more irritated if you are by her side, but your attention is on something else entirely.


You and your woman might be going through a rough patch, but there’s no better occasion than Valentine’s Day to try and heal her emotional wounds. Give her not just your time, but also the space to be herself, so that she can say what she needs to say. Pour your heart out too, and tell her what you think of the relationship and the direction it has taken. Conversation is the cure for so many things. It’s a pity we stay distracted with so many irrelevant things when all one really needs is someone close to talk to.

Your Affection

You have given her your time, and you have been all ears to what she has to say; but that still isn’t enough for most women. It’s Valentine’s Day after all, so give her your affection as well. Love her and let her feel loved and far away from all the troubles you have both faced in your relationship so far. Physical intimacy is known to secrete a lot of feel good, stress-busting chemicals such as dopamine and Oxycontin in the body. So it’s not just good for her, it’s good for both of you. Why? Because science says so!


The aforementioned demands of a woman on Valentine’s Day can be satisfied with ease if you let them. However, what women treasure most on 14th February each year is their men giving it absolutely everything to spend time with her. Valentine’s Day is not an official holiday, not unless it coincides with Sunday or any other off-day. So it might be problematic for you to ditch your work to give time to your wife. But if you really love her, and want both of you to make the most of this Valentine’s Day, you would be willing to put in the effort and the risk to say no to work just this once, and let the day be spent in a whole lot of love!

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