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ISRO created history, launched 104 satellites in a single mission

ISRO has launched 104 satellites and created a history. World agencies are still to react on this grand success but US already reacted on the success history of PSLV the workhorse of ISRO.
US launch companies are very much scarred about this and they want to ban ISRO rockets.
the total no. of satellites are 104….

These all 104 satellites are accomodated in a single rocket and that is a world record .

The highest number of satellites launched in a single mission is 37, a record that Russia set in 2014. The US space agency NASA launched 29.

How it will be possible to launch 104 satellites in a single rocket

This is the size of a CubeSat-

The size of 1 CubeSat is almost equal to a lunch box.

ISRO will be launching 100 CubeSats as well as the CartoSat 2D, INS-1A and INS- 1B Satellites. The total weight of the 100 satellites is 500 kg. In comparison, the CartoSat 2D weighs 730 kg.

The total payload weight is 1,250 kg. However, ISRO has previously launched payloads upwards of 1,400 kg (PSLV C22 and PSLV C24).

Today on Tuesday,14 Feb 2017,5:28 pm The 28-hour countdown began. Satish Dhawan Space Centre at Sriharikota launch it from the first launch pad. 3 Mission of India, the US private firms have 96 satellites. In addition, the Israeli satellite 1-1, Kazakhstan, the Netherlands, Switzerland and the UAE.

Space-X a commercial private competitor with advance technology where they are able to land the spent rocket in ocean for reuse is still more expensive. A multiple launch of 104 though Nano is not easy.

Of the 104 Carosat and two satellite belongs to India the rest is US who took a back door entry through Netherlands and have to take waiver for the ride aboard PSLV.

104 ISRO-nians are better than 104 dalmatians they know how to bite off the launch market mostly controlled by US.

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