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How to impress and purpose a Girl //// How to find your perfect Valentine

One of the hardest things to tell a girl about your feelings especially when you are shy. But you need to understand that a girl can't read your  mind. So, you need to make a move sooner or later.

1. Spend sometime thinking about your own feelings for her. It will help you to understand your feelings and you can write down those feelings which could help you to write your first love letter. 

2. Take it easy boy! Allow yourself some time to get to know her. Find out similarities and dissimilarities.  It will help you to initiate a normal talk to her. 

3. Now, Prepare what you want to say. You can take help of those feelings you wrote down while thinking about her (check Point 1). 

4. Select a time and place you are comfortable in after mutual consent with girl. It will help both of you to feel comfortable and talk to each other. 

4. Don't end up like a business meetings. Talk to her as a friend. Put some humor in your conversation. It will not only help you to talk to her few minutes more but also release the nervousness amd stress inside you. 

5. Go ahead and say it. The secret to getting over shyness is just coming out and saying what you feel. It is not easy, but it is the only way to do it. Just KISS, I mean not that kiss. This kiss means keep it short and simple. :-)

6. Most important be yourself and honest. Don't pretend to be who you aren't. Initially you could find pretending good but later it will be disastrous. 

7. Don't forget to be prepare for rejection. If she says "No", then don't feel low or bad about yourself. Just ask if you can still be friends. Maybe in future she will be yours, if she is right girl for you. 

Hope it helps. Thank you!


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