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How to daily plan your day for maximum benefit

Planning is the key to management. The better you plan, the better you will be able to manage the tasks you are provided. Planning ahead of your schedule allows you to be proactive and makes you ready to withstand whatever is sent your way. Use a planner is a smart way to start with. It lays it all down whatever is needed to be done so that you know how much work you have and how you are going to manage it all in a limited time period. Your planner does not necessarily have to be a traditional diary. You can maintain your planning anywhere that is feasible for you– computer, notebook or your phone. What matters is that you have everything aligned appropriately according to priority. Plan weekly so that you know what lies ahead in one quick glance, and then you can adjust other smaller tasks accordingly. When planning, you need to be careful about how you schedule your tasks. Know that you cannot plan each minute exactly. That is unrealistic. You need to be more considerate about the bigger tasks, and the ones that are of top priority. Make sure that you have a flexible schedule. It does not have to be completely oriented around your study activities. Make some time for personal activities as well.
You have to do your best with the hours you have. Certain things will have a permanent place in your schedule, and others will have to be accommodated accordingly. What you need to be careful about is that you do not over-exhaust yourself. Your personal well-being should be a priority. Make a practice of getting involved in campus activities and engage in recreational facilities provided on-campus. Allocate few hours of study and few minutes at the gym, and the rest of your activities can be scheduled around it.


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