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E- waste management

Electronic equipment is essential part of busy daily life. It substitutes hard human work and makes it faster. Most of people have a computer. The problem of e-waste threatens the future environment of the modern society. E-waste or electronic waste means electrical and electronic equipment, which is not suitable for use. Electronic equipment, such as mobile phones, computers, and televisions consist of hazardous materials, which pollute the environment and impact on human’s health. In India, the electronic waste management assumes greater significance not only due to the generation of our own waste but also dumping of e-waste particularly computer waste from the developed countries. With extensively using computers and electronic equipment’s and people dumping old electronic goods for new ones, the amount of E-Waste generated has been steadily increasing.

E-waste encompasses growing range of obsolete electronic devices such as computers, servers, monitors,, air conditioners, washing machines, and microwave ovens, e-waste also covers recording devices such as DVDs, CDs, floppies, tapes, printing cartridges, electronic components such as chips, processors, mother boards, printed circuit boards, automobile electronic devices. One of the known solutions to e-waste is recycling. Recycling is “the process of changing waste materials such as newspapers and bottles so that they can be used again” Landfills are also prone to uncontrolled fires which can release toxic fumes. Disposal through incineration is also dangerous as the residual ash contains toxic metals. To tackle the problem of e-waste measures followed by putting in place the system to manage environmentally sound disposal of e-waste should be taken. There should be proper management of e-waste so that we can live in a healthy and clean environment.


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