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National Nutrition Mission - Quick Notes

Poshan Abhiyaan 
 Poshan Abhiyaan, also known as the National Nutrition Mission and launched in
2018 (although the programme was being implemented in 2017) by the Government of 
India with the aim of tackling the malnutrition problem prevalent in India. 
 The chief objective of the mission is to reduce the level
enhance the nutritional status of children in the country. 
 The mission is a multi-ministerial initiative and aims at removing malnutrition from the 
country by 2022. 
 Poshan Abhiyaan is India’s flagship scheme to improve the nu
adolescents, children, pregnant women and lactating mothers. 
 The mission leverages technology and convergence between various modules and 
 The term ‘Poshan’ in the name of the programme stands for ‘Prime Minister’s 
Overarching Scheme for Holistic Nutrition. 
 The programme has specific targets for reducing stunting, anaemia, under
low birth weight.
According to project the National Nutrition Mission aims to achieve a reduction in 
stunting from 38.4% to 25% by 2022. 
 Tackling Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) and instances of Moderate Acute 
Malnutrition (MAM). 
 The mission also encompasses mapping of various other schemes related to 
malnutrition and enabling synergies through ICT-based real-time monitoring system, 
robust convergence between the schemes, incentivising states and UTs for meeting the 
set targets, and optimising Anganwadi centres’ functioning, apart from conducting social 
Specific Targets of NNM 
The National Nutrition Mission aims at achieving the following: 
 Reduce stunting by 2% annually. 
 Reduce under-nutrition by 2% annually. 
 Reduce anaemia by 3% annually. 
 Reduce low birth weight by 2% annually.


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