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UDAN scheme of Government of India

The first direct flight operations between Nashik (Maharashtra) and Belgaum (Karnataka) started today under the RCS-UDAN (Regional Connectivity Scheme — UdeDeshKaAamNagrik) of the Government of India.

Concept :

  • Operationalizing of this route expands the aerial connectivity of Belgaum to the 10 destinations across India.
  • Star Air was awarded the Belgaum-Nashik route during the UDAN 3 bidding process. The airlines are being provided Viability Gap Funding (VGF) under the UDAN scheme to keep the fares affordable & accessible for the common people.
  • The airline will be operating thrice-weekly flights on the route and will deploy its 50-seater Embraer ERJ-145 aircraft.


  • UdeDeshKaAamNaagrik (UDAN) was launched as a regional connectivity scheme under the Ministry of Civil Aviation in 2016.
  • It is an innovative scheme to develop the regional aviation market.
  • The objective of scheme is to create affordable yet economically viable and profitable flights on regional routes so that flying becomes affordable to the common man even in small towns.
  • The scheme envisages providing connectivity to un-served and underserved airports of the country through the revival of existing air-strips and airports.
  • The scheme is operational for a period of 10 years.
  • Under-served airports are those which do not have more than one flight a day, while unserved airports are those where there are no operations.


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