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Role of family in building social and moral values system and attitude of child Group Discussion Topic for Airforce Phase2

Role of family in building social and moral values system and attitude of child:
APJ Abdul Kalam said- 3 people are very important for the progress of the nation they are mother, father and teacher. p
Parents and family plays a very important role in structuring a kid's character and  moral values and social values like kindness, trust, honesty etc. Physical and psychological development, mentor and guide through lectures, 

Socialisation: Family is kid's first social group. The child will understand the society through different ways like storytelling, lectures, providing rewards and punishment to child by correcting kids mistakes, 


 Joint family plays an effective role in social and moral development of the child. Children consider their parents as their role models and they replicates them so they ethical behaviour of a parent influences the child a lot. Responsible parents bring up ethically and morally responsible citizens of tomorrow. 
Psychological development in the present competitive word : Psychological and mental development is very important. Parents should teach their kids not only to win but also to accept failures. In the present society the responsibility of the family has doubled in bringing up morally responsible and mentally strong citizens for development of the nation. 
Future India lies in the hands of parents and teachers.


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