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National education policy 2020 Group Discussion Topic for Airforce Phase2

Recently, on 29 July 2020, Government of India has approved New Education policy:2020. The draft national education policy 2020 by a panel headed by former ISRO chief K Kasturirangan was approved by the Union Cabinet.

It was third time when education policy has been changed, it has been introduced first time in 1968 and then 1986. In constitution of India, Education is a fundamental right under article 21.

Union Cabinet has approved the new national education policy 2020 with an aim to introduce several changes in the Indian education system from the school to college level .

HRD ministry has been renamed as Ministry of Education under the new education policy 

Vocational education will be added from class 6 onwards in new National curriculum Framework will be created with ECE schools teachers and adult education will be linked board exams will be divided into two sections 

Life skills will be added to children's report card 

In higher education, multiple entry and exit options will now be offered.

National education policy 2020 targets 100% gross enrollment ratio in school education by 2030.

National education policy will replace current 10 + 2 system by a new 5 + 3 + 3 + 4 system corresponding to ages 3 - 8 yrs, 8 -11 yrs,  12 -14 yrs and 14 to 18 years respectively to develop the mental ability of child.

National education policy will bring 12 years of schooling with three years of schooling according to any there will be an by 2030, 4 year B.Ed degree would be the minimum educational qualification for teaching.

Teaching and medium of Institution should be in child's mother tongue till class fifth, from class 5th students will study coding and Vocational Studies and board exam will happen twice a year, in the higher education the policy bring a four year undergraduate courses with multiple entry and exit systems and making education flexible and transparent.

A new school curriculum with coding and Vocational Studies from class 6th will be introduced

Age 3 to 8 years Foundation stage
3 year 8 to 11 years for proprietary
11 to 14 years middle 
14 to 18 years secondary stage

Students until class five should be taught in their mother tongue / regional language.
Vocational Studies will be given from class 6 onwards like coding, electric work, carpenter etc. it will also be made available through online mode and 10 days bag-less period will be given to 6 -8 grade students in a year to reduce the burden of heavy weights.

Board examination will be happen twice a year.


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