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International Awards and Winners

1. Nobel Prize
➢ Most coveted international award of the world.
➢ Instituted by Alfred Bernard Nobel (inventor of dynamite).
➢ The award is given on December 10 (death anniversary of Alfred Bernard Nobel).
Nobel Prize is given every year to those eminent persons who have made pioneering 
achievements in the following fields:
➢ Physics
➢ Chemistry
➢ Medicine
➢ Peace
➢ Literature
➢ Economics
Apart from Economics, all other categories have been given since 1901. Economics Nobel Prize 
was instituted in 1967 and was first given in 1969.
Name                    Year of Honor          Area
1. Rabindranath Tagore 1913.     Literature
2. CV Raman.         1930.               Physics
3. Mother Teresa 1979.              Peace
4. Amartya Sen      1998.           Economist
5. Kailash Satyarthi 2014.         Peace

2. Magsaysay Awards
➢ Instituted in 1957 and named after Ramon Magsaysay, the former President of 
➢ This award is given annually on August 31
➢ Award is given for outstanding contributions to public service, community leadership, 
journalism, literature and creative arts and international understanding.
➢ Regarded as the Nobel Prize of Asia.

3. Oscar Awards
➢ Instituted in 1929
➢ Conferred annually by the Academy of Motion Pictures in USA.
➢ The first Indian to get an Oscar was Bhanu Athaiya for the movie 'Gandhi'.
➢ Satyajit Ray was the first Indian awarded Oscar for lifetime achievements in cinema in 1992.

4. UNESCO Peace Prize
➢ Presented by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization 
➢ For extraordinary contributions for international peace.

5. Pulitzer Prize
➢ Instituted in 1917 and named after the US Publisher Joseph Pulitzer.
➢ Conferred annually in the USA
➢ For accomplishments in journalism, literature and music.

6. Right Livelihood Award
➢ Instituted in 1980 by the Right Livelihood Society, London.
➢ Known as alternate Nobel Award
➢ To promote and contribute in the fields of environment and social justice.

7. Mahatma Gandhi Peace Prize
➢ Instituted in 1995 by Government of India.
➢ It is presented for international peace on the lines of Nobel Prize.

8. UNESCO Human Rights Award
➢ Presented by UNESCO
➢ For contributions in the field of Human Rights Awareness.
➢ Given every alternate year.

9. Man Booker Prize
➢ Highest literary award to authors of British, Irish and Commonwealth countries
➢ Established in 1969.
➢ Renamed as Man Booker Prize, as the sponsorship has been taken over by the Man 
Group, an international stockbroker.

10. UN Human Rights Award
➢ Presented by UN for personal contribution for the cause of human rights.
➢ It is presented every sixth year.

11. World Food Prize
➢ Presented by Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
➢ For the cause of agriculture and food development.


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