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➢ Durand Line is the line demarcating the boundaries of Pakistan and Afghanistan. It was 
drawn up in 1896 by Sir Mortimer Durand.
➢ Hindenburg Line is the boundary dividing Germany and Poland. The Germans retreated 
to this line in 1917 during World War I
➢ Mason-Dixon Line is a line of demarcation between four states in the United State.
➢ Marginal Line was the 320-km line of fortification on the Russia-Finland border. Drawn up 
by General Mannerheim.
➢ Macmahon Line was drawn up by Sir Henry MacMahon, demarcating the frontier of India 
and China. China did not recognize the MacMahon line and crossed it in 1962.
➢ Medicine Line is the border between Canada and the United States.
➢ Radcliffe Line was drawn up by Sir Cyril Radcliffe, demarcating the boundary between 
India and Pakistan. Siegfried Line is the line of fortification drawn up by Germany on its 
border with France.Order-Neisse Line is the border between Poland and Germany, 
running along the Order and Neisse rivers, adopted at the Poland Conference (Aug 
1945) after World War II.
➢ 17th Parallel defined the boundary between North Vietnam and South Vietnam before 
two were united.
➢ 24th Parallel is the line which Pakistan claims for demarcation between India and 
Pakistan. This, however, is not recognized by India
➢ 26th Parallel south is a circle of latitude which crosses through Africa, Australia and 
South America.
➢ 30th Parallel north is a line of latitude that stands one-third of the way between the 
equator and the North Pole.
➢ 33rd Parallel north is a circle of latitude which cuts through the southern United States, 
parts of North Africa, parts of the Middle East, and China.
➢ 35th Parallel north forms the boundary between the State of North Carolina and the State 
of Georgia and the boundary between the State of Tennessee arid the State of Georgia, 
the State of Albama, and the State of Mississippi.
➢ 36th Parallel forms the southernmost boundary of the State of Missouri with the State of 
➢ 36o30′ Parallel north forms the boundary between the Tenessee and the Commonwealth 
of Kentucky between the Tennessee River and the Mississippi River, the boundary 
between Missouri and Arkansas west of the White River, and the northernmost boundary 
between the Texas and the Oklahoma.
➢ 37th Parallel north formed the southern boundary of the historic and extralegal Territory 
of Jefferson.
➢ 38th Parallel is the parallel of latitude which separates North Korea and South Korea.
➢ 39th Parallel north is an imaginary circle of latitude that is 39 degrees north of Earth’s equatorial plane.
➢ 40th Parallel north formed the original northern boundary of the British Colony of 
➢ 41st Parallel north forms the northern boundary of the State of Colorado with Nebraska 
and Wyoming and the southern boundary of the State of Wyoming with Colorado and 
➢ 42nd Parallel north forms most of the New York – Pennsylvania Border.
➢ 43rd Parallel north forms most of the boundary between the State of Nebraska and the 
State of South Dakota and formed the northern border of the historic and extralegal 
Territory of Jefferson.
➢ The Parallel 44o north is an imaginary circle of latitude that is 44 degrees north of the 
Earth’s equatorial plane.
➢ 45th Parallel north is often the halfway point between the Equator and the North Pole. 
The 45th parallel makes up most of the boundary between Montana and Wyoming.
➢ 49th Parallel is the boundary between USA and Canada.


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