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Daily Current Affair One Liner on 21 Mar 2018

Daily CA One Liners ,
21 March 2018 .

● International Day of Forests: 21 March

● International Day of Forests in 2018 Theme :-  "Forests and Sustainable Cities".

● World Poetry Day : 21 March

● Nitin Gadkari inaugurates Inland Ferry Services in Goa

● 106th Indian Science Congress to be Held in Bhopal

● 1st G20 Ministerial Meeting Held in Argentina

● World's Most Liveable City Report- Vienna Tops, Baghdad Worst

● Nanda Bahadur Pun Elected Nepal's Vice President

● 3rd National Conclave on Mines and Minerals will be held in New Delhi.

● Katrina Kaif appointed ambassador of NGO ‘Educate Girls’

● Karnataka cabinet approves separate religion status for Lingayats

● Military drill “Gulf Shield 1” begins in Saudi Arabia

● Naval ships of the UAE and India will hold a first-ever joint exercise – ‘Gulf Star 1’

● Lakshadweep has least number of beggars, WB most in India

● Government approves Plastic Park to be set up in Deoghar District, Jharkhand

● 8th Project Oversight Committee of Jal Marg Vikas Project (JMVP) meets in Lucknow

● Indian Army Releases Book on Paramveer Chakra Awardees : Paramveer Parwane By Prabhakiran Jain

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