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What Is The Reason Behind The BJP Victory In U.P.

Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) is getting a landslide victory here. The people of UP have shown tremendous maturity and wisdom to elect BJP this time after several years. Nothing could have been better for the country and for the people of UP than electing BJP with full majority. Our Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi will now ensure that a person of integrity and competency becomes the Chief Minister and takes UP out of poverty, casteism and communalism towards the path of development and prosperity.

The defeat of SP and BSP was long overdue. The victory of BJP was also imminent.

I ascribe following reasons for the victory of BJP.

1: Casteism and Communalism

UP had become the most casteist state in India in last two decades after the emergence of SP and BSP as the regional players. Both parties boasted openly about their caste affiliation. BSP claimed itself to be the protector of Dalits and lower castes while SP shamelessly supported and promoted the Yadavs and Muslims. Both these parties have no shame in admitting that they are casteist and communal. They were in fact proud of it. They antagonized all other caste/religious people and they have to pay a price for it.

2: Family feuds

The Samajwadi Party have gradually become a party on one family. It sent all five MPs from the same family in the last Parliamentary Election. Mulayam Singh Yadav has no shame in giving tickets to all his family members for Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha and Legislatures. Unfortunately for SP, the same family bonding became the cause of its doom when son Akhilesh captured the party of his own father and threw out the senior family members from the party. Many of them campaigned against the SP and that has surely affected the Muslim and Yadav votes and caused great harm to SP.

3: Demonetization

Demonetization has played an important role for the BJP victory and the defeat of its rivals, particularly the BSP. These parties lost hundreds of crores of black money due to demonetization and could spend much lesser amount this time. Common people also supported BJP and Modi for it because they believed that it hit the coffers of corrupt and black money holders; and helped the honest people of India.

4: Narendra Modi and Amit Shah

There is no doubt that the leadership of Shri Narendra Modi and Amit Shah has played the most important role for the victory. They worked very hard while campaigning in UP and left no stone unturned to ensure that the BJP comes to power in UP. The performance of Modi government in center has also convinced the people of UP that his leadership can provide equally good government in UP. The strategies of Amit Shah paid handsome dividend in the election.


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