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15 Bitter truths about Indian culture

Man and woman are in a live in relationship. They have consensual sex. Like all couples they have an argument. They break up. Woman cries 'rape'. The man is instantly arrested and his life ruined.
People pi*s, sh*t, spit, vomit, litter on the streets and talk about how much they love India and its culture and how the government is not doing its job. LOL!
Parents, teachers and elders are Gods no matter what. You don't question them even if they are physically or emotionally abusive. They are always right.
Almost everyone has a pathetic and annoying habit of staring at you like an animal. Stare right back and you'll see cowardice. They'll quickly look away.
The law can literally be bought with money and influence. (Salman Khan, Sanjeev Nanda, Manu Sharma, Vikas Yadav)
Women are treated like second class citizens in most traditional families. They must shut up, follow their men and never voice their opinions.
Religious institutions spend hundreds of crores decorating their buildings while the poor standing outside beg for a few grains of rice.
We have an outdated education system that only focuses on a person's ability to memorize. People think that getting a degree alone will get them high paying jobs. LOL!
Art, sport, innovation, creativity are ignored. There are no youth systems for any of these. India is backward in all these fields in spite of being home to 1.3 billion people.
In a road accident the blame is by default pinned on the driver of the bigger vehicle no matter whose fault it is.
A 30 year old unmarried man is either impotent, gay, depressed, underpaid or not human.
A 30 year old unmarried woman brings bad name to her family. She is abnormal and probably having affairs with many men.
People aspire for Western jobs, cars, gadgets, clothes, movies/TV shows and H-1B Visas, but blame Western culture for all the problems in India. LOL!
Most people are inherently racist. Terms like Madrasi, Chinki, Kalu, Bihari are accepted derogatory jokes. White people are welcomed with open arms, but other nationalities especially from African and Asian regions face hatred, isolation and sometimes violence. These same Indians cry about racist treatment when they go to US, UK and Australia. LOL!
And lastly,
stating any of the above obvious facts greatly offends many people. Only a small part of the population wants to acknowledge and sincerely work towards change.
The majority simply live in denial.

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